Aug 28, 2023
Kosta watches practice courts and gets mad at Taylor Fritz, Trump mug shot, move your feet bro, etc.
Aug 21, 2023
Just make your returns you big idiots, Kosta plays comedy roulette, breaks down post match pressers, etc. Thanks for listening! I don't make any money doing this!
Aug 14, 2023
MTL results, Toronto results, Novak chocolate, 10 pointers with my Dad for $5, etc.
Aug 8, 2023
You don't realize it but today is preparing you for something down the road that you don't realize, Kostra realizes it, that's why he has a podcast that you listen to - thank you for that.
Aug 1, 2023
The lead singer of Bush is a huge tennis player and fan, Kosta sits down with Gavin and chats success, guitars, longevity, parenting and tennis.